The reader is advised to have an open mind when reading any of these stories. They all have their setting in African (Nigerian) cultural background. As such, names of people and places may not sound familiar. However, the reader can substitute the names with familiar names and still capture the juice of the stories. As a sensitive writer, and conscious of other interested readers outside African (Nigerian) cultural background, the writer included a lot of interpretations to convey these messages. He applied a limit, though, since too much translation of words and phrases may derail some readers from enjoying the flow of the stories.
Some of the stories have such humour in them that you may shed some tears of laughter or experience some aches on your ribs while reading. Some people who read some of Chinyeaka’s funny stories late at night have reported that they woke their neighbours with their uncontrollable laughter. At times they were suspected to have developed some mental problems. Because of all these, we decided putting a sign * on such stories so as to prepare you for what will follow.
A short story in three parts about friendship, love and parents’ attitude towards boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. It is an interesting and “rib-cracking” love adventure and the good, the bad and the ugly events that followed.